Sustainable technical solutions for human and nature by current state-of-the-art technology,
overhead cost-cutting, maintenance- and eco-friendly, highly recyclable modular design.
Partner for research and industry since 1989 and up to now with direct Customers, Distribution & Support Partners or Equipment Users in the following countries

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Information on the Enterprise Transformation – Motivation, Basics, Implementations and Perspectives
First new locations, updated enterprise standards and the new design & performance level devices here from II Q 2022
1 Climate and Environmental Protection
(i) The original motivation of the Enterprise Founding shall be implemented now by the consistent and provable assertion of the 'Circular Economy Principle' to support the Goals 12, 13 and 17 of the 'United Nations' 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development' and the associated 'European Commission's Circular Economy Action Plan for a cleaner and more competitive Europe', and to comply with the 'German Circular Economy Act' to accelerate the transition from the unlimited resource consumption and the associated climate change towards a regenerative growth model that gives back to the planet more than it takes.
(ii) As a forerunner of 'sustainable product design' with the 'ISAP Integrated Product & Service' and 'Highly Recyclable Modular Design Strategies' as per the founding tenets 'Sustainable technical solutions for human and nature by current state-of-the-art technology, overhead cost-cutting, maintenance- and eco-friendly, highly recyclable modular design' from 1989, each ISAP Equipment comes with an application-oriented 'ISAP Care & Support Package'. This package contains as well:
(a) easy to apply technical and organizational guidelines for a successful initial operation and a suitable daily care routine as wall as a support contract with discounted tools & spare parts sets, on-site module exchange supplies, and for equipment usage period extensions with obligatory exchange of overaged battery cells, synthetics, connectors, toothed belts, modules with outdated standards, and inspection, overhaul, and recalibration of all equipment sensors, including meteorological stations, and inlet or filter holder impactor stages, if any, as well as upgrades of unsupported versions and expired usage licenses of the Equipment Firmware and the Comfort Control Software to keep the advanced 'ISAP Equipment' long-term in mint condition, as:
(b) easy to apply legal guidelines for a gapless compliance care with references about the contractually pre-agreed intended usage, location(s), and all applicable legal provisions during the total equipment lifetime, that means from the eco-friendly highly recyclable modular design up to obligatory early notifications of the final termination of usage for timely assistance with manufacturer's carriage and fees paid return service, receipt and completeness report, and documented exculpation of the Stakeholders for the most competent and eco-friendly final treatment by recycling and remains disposal of the delivered equipment at manufacturer's site.
(iii) The maintenance-friendly, highly recyclable modular design, the easy to apply guidelines for successful operations, the optional equipment usage period extensions and the authorities approved and passed special discounts on support or on the timely procurement of identical or similar equipment after the properly executed recycling allow an implementation of the 'Circular Economy Principle' that results in a high equipment availibility, a solid legal certainty and in total in a relevant surplus value for all Stakeholders.
(iv) IMPORTANT: The Distribution & Support Partners, Customers and Equipment Operators shall timely check if the distributed, receipt or used ISAP Equipment is currently defective or/and out of the agreed usage period or/and finally out of use. In these cases, it is recommended that the Stakeholders shall inform ISAP timely and provable via their Online Support Area or by eContact form to enable a prompt, legal, advanced and economic solution. This shall also include a verification if there are still missing public relation material releases or authors' copies of technical or scientific publications respectively their order numbers of publishing house for the compensation of special discounts or services by the transfer of usage rights on adequate or/and e about the usage of ISAP equipment were provided, to enable ISAP informed answers on direct readers' queries and conclusive compliance confirmation.
2 Innovative Series Production
(i) One of the core foundations of the Enterprise Transformation is the main focus shift within the enterprise division 'Aerosol Sampling Systems' with the change from the former temporary small series manufacturing to large standard series cell production sessions with optimized assemblings and final testings by the 'ISAP Local Assembling Stock-keeping & Testing Units (ISAP LAST Units)' for a sustainable high trademark reputation by the long-term preservation of the enterprise product guarantee 'state-of-the-art equipment with constant total quality, short delivery periods and best value for money'.
(ii) For the development of the basics and the workflows for a maximized performance and efficiency, the first prototype unit was installed in 2014 already.
3 Clean Air
(i) The self-committing founding mission is the new identifier of the Enterprise Transformation for the step-wise intensification of the international business with a more global redefinition of the 'ISAP Clean Air Mission' by several new locations in selected countries on several continents. New local Teams shall offer innovative products and services as per the index of the registered trademark within the emerging market 'Environmental Engineering' with most advanced 'Automation Engineering' and 'Information Technology' meeting the special enterprise competence topics with longterm experiences.
(ii) The principle intentions are the more globally enhanced sphere of the self-committing 'Clean Air Mission', since the enterprise founding in 1989 implemented by the development of application-oriented (fully) automated single and double chamber plants of the division 'Environmental Simulation Plants' operated by advanced scalable distributed control systems as well as by the continuously refined technology of the (fully) automated sampling systems and the (low-pressure) cascade impactors and cascade impactor inlets of the division 'Aerosol Sampling Systems' with several key design and functional features and diverse unique characteristics, and since 1993 with an average rate of one per year world first developments ready to go into production.
(iii) The 'Clean Air Aid Program' with authorithies approved and passed exceptional discounts and further special conditions of the 'Care & Support Packages' with additional scientific consultance with established environmental authority laboratory work flows to support Custmers who are first timer in laboratory works.
(iv) While the 'Aerosol Sampling Systems' detect and monitor the health-relevant air quaility – catchword 'fine dust concentration threshold values' – the 'Environmental Simulation Plants' identify in time lapse the impacts of the kind and concentrations of corrosive gases, salts, and microbiology on mineralogy such as stones as well as the efficiencies of different protection sealings – catchwords 'culture-building alterability and precautions'.
(v) These systems and plants shall also allow quantitative studies of the impacts of the concentration values on plants and animals, estimations of the cause-effect-chains in nature and in farming – catchwords 'biodiversity', 'mixed forest', 'monoculture', 'mushrooms', 'worms', 'insects', 'wildlife animals', and 'animal husbandry'.
4 Compliance, Due Diligence and Best Practice
(i) The legal basics of the Enterprise Transformation are the since 2016 intensified formulated compliance measures for all applicable legal areas with the finalized fine-tunings on 1 July 2021 with the supervising Authorities, responsible Chamber, and competent Federation, that are currently implemented into the affected enterprise standards as binding best practice provisions.
(ii) To stay compliant, even on high numbers of new, amended and repealed, more complex and interacting legal and technical norms and prevailing case-law, these are timely detected and processed for prompt adjustment of the standards. These are shared between the registered Stakeholders to accomplish most prompt and maximum possible legal clarity and certainty.
(iii) This approach applies globally and shall be implemented and cared for all locations by a new Central Unit.
5 Requirement and Knowledge Management
(i) The directions on new and further developments are clarified by discussions with sophisticated scientists regularly. The international direction shall apply also for (a) the continuation of the very important cooperations with leading scientists, beside the enterprise founding responsible for lots of ideas for new and most advanced plant and device developments meeting their needs, (b) the own scientific team and advisory board members, and for (c) the continuation of the furtherance of bachelor and master theses, to generate new knowledge to enable the development of innovative equipment or options, that meets the Customers special demands, often related to the creation of a new state-of-the-art technology.
(ii) Also, because the enterprise itself is a spin-off from a university, the 'Customer Onboarding' was a matter of cource since the enterprise founding in 1989: with advanced Aerosol Sampling Systems or an application-oriented and fully automated Environmental Simulation Plant shall enable the Customers and Equipment Operators to be preeminently successful with their scientific, commercial or official work in clean air matters.
(iii) Thus, currently all Aerosol Sampling Systems are in re-design with several new unique characteristics for a new state-of-the-art and shall be launched in the second quarter 2022 with the new design and performance Level DPL II Q 2022.
For further information about the transformation, the compliance measures and the Circular Economy Principle as per 'the Goals 12, 13 and 17 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the United Nations A/RES/70/1 (UN)', the 'Circular Economy Action Plan for a cleaner and more competitive Europe (EU) COM(2020) 98 final', and the former applicable provisions have a look at:
Internal link 1: The ISAP Compliance measures and Enterprise Transformation
External link 1: UN.org: Sustainable Development and Climate-Change
External link 2: Download of the EU Circular Economy Action Plan (pdf)
External link 3: The Ellen MacArthur Foundation: All about the Circular Economy Principle
All content is subject to change without prior notice or subsequent information. Errors and omissions excepted/excluded, any liability excluded.
I S A P is a registered trademark of Dipl.-Ing. (DE) Gerhard Schulze.
First registration 10/10/96 by German Patent and Trade Mark Office.
Last update: 01 February 2022